Finally, the work of my blog is half-completed and I'm satisfied. Several hours have been spent on it. I am now both sleepy and teary due to the long hours of looking at the computer screen. I had attempted to create several blogs previously but it always seemed to fail me.
This time, I am satisfied with what I have created, with the help of the designer of this blogskin. Simply loved it and hopefully, I will be able to be a good guardian for my baby blog.
It's not the end of it, but I would say, the beginning of the journey has just been embarked. It will under-go constant changes, improvements and from now, till then... It is still under previewing stage.
It will take a short break of 1-2 months from now, as I can predict myseld to be busy studying and working. I look forward for the success of this blog, and the official launch of it! *Excited*