I have been lost in the jungle full of rainbows and angels, with some devils lately...
Before I get back to the reality, and get a grip to start blogging again... As I've too much I want to BlOg about!!!
Till then, I'd like to wish all my closest and dearest friends a very Happy New Year and Merry X'mas!
This is the time to rejoice and thank every angels that have ever lifted u up during your down moments and every devils for creating the challenges for you to overcome your limits and strength you'll never thought to have, to be stronger!
They... have finally realized the wonders of Blackberry and seemed to create a craze within their own groupies! Soon, the tables will be filled with BB phones during meetings... :p
I've got an equivalent numbers of BB users clique as much as Apple Iphone users... So who's gonna take a bigger bite and which is more enticing?
My thoughts?
Both are equally good and depends on what functions do you actually needs / prefers.
Workaholics, busy executives??? Needs your email account on-the-go? Needs last minute amendments of files or view that 'excel'? Have your besties holding on to BB and wants to enjoy 'free' BB buddy chat regardless of where you are? Hesitate no more my friend, BB would be your choice. BB plan with unlimited data are quite affordable nowadays and what's more, u got to surf, chat, email and download at a capped charge!
Funky modern, adventurous executives??? Needs more entertainment on-the-go, takes long distance travelling but sick of listening to MP3? IT savvy and loves to personalized your phone? Enjoys instant photo upload and simple photo editing with funny applications? Go for Iphone... Same goes for data plans, are pretty reasonable too with the 3 telcos competing. :x
But well, for both, if you do not wish to pay extra, data charges, just make sure you are logged in via WIFI which is commonly available at most shopping malls and eateries. Only fall back? U can't expect to have internet connection for free on public transports.
My 2-cents worth and feel free to enhance the features of either one mobile which I am not aware! Believed, there are more pros and cons besides those that I mentioned.
... and my choice? Definitely more inclined towards Iphone as I'd need more entertainment as work has already, took up 80% of my life. Besides, with a BB, I might just get too hooked with the emails and busy ensuring the light don't blink for new mails. Bleah!