How boring can this week be... It's a Friday and guess what I'm doing? Blogging on the left and online wahjong-ing on the right. How fun! zzz~ I'm really craving for liquor to shut my brain for a day and it just can't be done! Quite irritated by it in fact, but one cannot always do what one wants isn't it? All I want is a break, but can't even I do that? Oh well, positively... it has been time since I sat by the front of PC to update everything. Earning Golds for Wahjong, yearning for level to be upped, updating blog, online shopping, checking out my friends' blog, celebrities, 'stomp-ing', world news, latest drama series, movie updates and new hangouts!
Anyway, I've had my rest (applied leave on Mon). Didn't really plan much but just needed a day's break to rejuvenate and get back the focus that is needed. Spent my day at Orchard for a buffet lunch, bought a $20 gamecard for arcade Basketball shooting and caught a movie with V. Work is rotating around in meetings recently and hardly got a chance to sit down and brainstorm on proposals. Somehow, seems like I've misinterpreted some messages and brought across the wrong things. Not really sure how things got implicated but it has taught me something if what I did is really the cause for it. "What you see is not what you get! Don't you just get it??? - don't be naive" But if that's not the truth, then I'll have learnt that "What others get doesn't mean u'll get it too! - don't be stupid"
Today was D's last day at work and soon we'll be without the healthy noise pollution in the office. How much we gonna miss you is how much you gonna miss us x 10 ~ All the best gal!
There goes this week and nothing to be joyous of apart from the fact that weekend is here! Got E's housewarming to attend tomorrow evening and sooner than you know, we'll already back at work on Mon.
It's the freedom that I want wished to just idle and do anything at point of the day... (lazesleepjogroteattvsnooze)
I want to travel, yet no penny.
I want to slack, yet no time.
I want to sleep, yet I can't.
I want to focus, yet got stuck.
I want to do well, yet it got worst.
All I want is to be happy, yet feeling weighted!
But guess what I've got?
Tons of love and care in the air... Thanks to those who are always around me!
Looks like it has been ages since i've updated. Was supposed to update C wedding but was kinda lazy to have it up. It was a dream wedding for most with nice ballroom,romantic live singing by the groom and lively dancers during interval for our entertainment.
Back to the subject, poor Travis was sick for 4days and was admitted to hospital due to virus attack. So scary as his fever went all the way up to 40deg. It was no fun with constant diarrhea, vomit and has to undergo dripping in the hospital. Finally, he was discharged on Thursday night but shrink by a size again. Still weak and crawling around with limited energy but at least he's back home recovering instead of staying in the crappy hospital. Gonna make sure he'll be fit and strong again and grow up to be a cute,healthy and handsome darling :)
The 1st wedding that we attended together; not much post event thoughts nor random topic which the session just ended after dinner. I guess so as it's still a long way to go where courage is indeed very much needed for such commitment before we could bare our hearts to have a gem in the house and old hands till old~