Based on previous post, was supposed to write what drove me to giving up. Decided not to do so... need to manage myself and before giving up, I need to have a valid reason or at least an excuse for myself to wave white flag. By saying this, I'm still trying but it's already more than a little tiring. It's straining me? Random thoughts ran through my mind recently, regularly and most of the times.
Am I on the right path?
Am I doing it right?
Am I thinking twice?
Am I wearing a hat too big?
Am I reaching my limit?
Am I getting what is desired?
Am I coping well?
Am I giving up?
I remember telling someone,the world is too big,there are always chance to explore it...settle down,build your base first and overcome the challenges before heading off to another. Don't give up till you try... Am i right?
I remembered someone telling me too. The world is so big,you can never finish's already considered late to start now. Is she right?
Two different person, two perspectives, two topics and two guidance but one confusion. Who's right and wrong?
I think,these is no right nor wrong? It's a matter of who you want to be,what you want in life and how you want to live life? I'm lost... is the world too big and I've lost the passion to explore it? Or I've become too small without the drive to even start? Where's the motivation? Or, there's no difference between passion-drive-motivation? or, it's just ME? Sigh...