Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My lobster is White!!!
Saw many other lobsters, in red, blue and black but didn't really liked those. Searched around Qianhu and neighbourhood aquariums and finally found the 2 nice and well groomed white lobsters!
BF's Pet
Baby Lobster
Fishes as companion
Living under the same roof

Baby Lobster
1st home with plants
Finding her way out
Finally, new home!
Travis 1st pet!
Yellow tailed Guppy
(But it's tail was injuired, sales person gave me an injuried one)
We added 2 red fishes into this home as the guppy looks lonely and life-less. Another reason was, the lobster in BF's tank is putting the fishes in danger by attacking them. Let's hope they'll survive longer, in this home.
The heart's cold, it's just another beautiful mistake. 11:43 PM