Met up with CY today and poured all my grumbles and '委屈-ness' to her. Even she cannot understand why am I meeting people like that! Thanks dear for the listening ear and you'd have to 加油 as well.
I just don't get it when people can be such a BITCH. Think of others before you make any bitchy comments, I'm an employee not your pet BI..ATCH!.
We went DF today finally, after 3 weeks. Crowd was matured but funny by the way they behaved. Nothing comparable to their age but maybe, it's what that makes them happy? Relax, have fun and be crazy... but singers ain't that great which was a big disappointment. Didn't really like it and still prefer the sea with soothing waves and clear sky with starring stars. Heineken was bad and out of 6 bottles, CY finished almost 4 - Good job! Me? 1.5...
The journey to success is full of obstacles and at times, if the hurdles are too much to overcome... hold a friend in your hand and walk through it. We'll be fine.
I didn't hold back my tears today again... it's either too much or I felt unworthy.
3 months later, if you don't improve... it's either you or me.
Been getting news and hearing lies that turns me off... it's either yes or no.
Humans, just too complex.